Bottleneck Analysis of Multimodal Transportation

This paper presents an analysis to determine the impact of bottlenecks on multimodal transportation chains. A bottleneck-analysis in general is a process related approach to identify shortages. In relation to transportation it is concerned with analysis of resource...

A Methodology to Use FAF2 Data to Forecast External-External Trips

Simulating freight activity in a statewide model requires the development of an origin/destination matrix containing internal-internal trips, internal-external and external-internal trips, and external-external trips.  The external-external trips are often difficult...

Using a Gravity Distribution Model and Discrete Event Simulation to Enhance Freight Planning

Freight analysis and planning has lagged behind traditional transportation planning and is often neglected in models following the four-step process.  National projections are that freight shipments will double in the next decade.  In Alabama, manufacturing growth and...

Using a Federal Database and New Factors for Disaggregation of Freight to a Local Level

Transport professionals at the local level often have difficulty incorporating freight into transport models and plans because freight data is proprietary at local levels requiring extensive aggregation to national levels before being released to the public. ...

Application of Simulation to Improve Volume through a Seaport Coal Terminal

The Alabama State Port Authority wants to increase the volume of coal moving through the McDuffie Island Coal Terminal. A perceived barrier to an increase in capcity is the number of tugboats for moving barges throughout the terminal. This paper presents a simulation...