by Karen | Oct 1, 2007 | Anthony Holden, Center & Office Research, Dr. Bernard Schroer, Dr. Gregory A. Harris, P.E., Freight, Logistics, & Transportation, Huntsville Simulation Conference (AL), Presentation, Presented, Prof Dietmar Moeller
This paper presents a simulation model representation of the McDuffie coal terminal at the Alabama State Docks in Mobile, Alabama. Included in this paper are a description of the coal terminal, the conceptual framework of the model and an analysis of the simulation... by Karen | Jan 1, 2007 | Authors, Center & Office Research, Dr. Gregory A. Harris, P.E., Dr. Michael D. Anderson, P.E., Freight, Logistics, & Transportation, Presentation, Presented, Transportation Research Board Annual Conference
Transportation infrastructure is an integral piece of the economic growth puzzle. The proper alignment of needed infrastructure with economic opportunity enhances the return on investment from that infrastructure investment. Decision tools to assist in this... by Karen | May 1, 2006 | Center & Office Research, Dr. Gregory A. Harris, P.E., Freight, Logistics, & Transportation, Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference, Lauren Jennings Neppel, Presentation, Presented
Globalization integrates production, distribution and consumption across borders creating one market. Global business has grown tremendously since WWII. Organizations like the WTO, along with innovations in technology and transportation constitute substantial movement... by Emily Finney | Jan 1, 2006 | Freight, Logistics, & Transportation, Jeff Thompson, Publication
Redstone Arsenal, located in North Alabama, is home to the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, NASA’s George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, and numerous other federal entities clustered around the research and... by Karen | Dec 1, 2005 | Anthony Holden, Center & Office Research, Dr. Maruf Rahman, Dr. Michael D. Anderson, P.E., Dr. Niles Schoening, Dr. William Killingsworth, Freight, Logistics, & Transportation, Jeff Siniard, Jeff Thompson, Lauren Jennings Neppel, Publication, Rajeev Seetharam, Report
2005 DOT – Meeting the Needs for Economic Growth – Final Report Research conducted under Transportation Infrastructure In Alabama: Meeting The Needs For Economic Growth was based on the interaction between economic activity, infrastructure, population,...
by Emily Finney | Aug 1, 2005 | Dr. Gregory A. Harris, P.E., Dr. William Killingsworth, Freight, Logistics, & Transportation, Report
The efficient and effective movement of freight is a critical component in the transformation and growth of the Alabama economy. The Alabama economy has experienced dramatic changes in composition and structure over the past five decades. In recent years, the changes...