2012 Alternative Fuels and Energy Security Conference (SARPC )
2012 Alternative Fuels & Energy Security Conference
hosted by South Alabama Regional Planning Commission (SARPC )
Thursday, June 14, 2012
John F. Rhodes Civic Center, Bay Minette, AL
This one-day conference will focus on multiple clean fuel and energy alternatives, infrastructure advancements, and energy-related funding opportunities. Speakers include representatives from the ADECA Energy Division, Alabama Clean Fuels Coalition, Alabama Power, Blossman Gas, Mobile Gas, and USDA Rural Development.
For additional information, please contact Kina Andrews at (251) 706-4673 or [email protected].
Green Enterprise Development Training Series offered by ATN – Part of Alabama E3 Initiative
Huntsville, Ala., – March 14, 2012–The Green Enterprise Development Training Series – developed for manufacturers by Purdue University and SME (Society for Manufacturing Engineers) is being offered to all Alabama employed workers beginning April 6 at no charge for training if required documentation is provided. Other non-mfg Alabama companies are encouraged to send their employees to attend the Green Enterprise training for information and hands-on training on how to apply sustainable processes in the workplace.
Alabama businesses can send employees to attend the upcoming Green Enterprise Development series – Level 1 (April 6) & Level 2 training modules (April 13 – May 18) with training fees waived but will need to pay a $25 consumables fee per attendee per day. Employees can attend all nine days of training or select individual green enterprise modules to attend.
The waived training charge for all Alabama employed workers is part of the Alabama E3 Initiative. To meet the requirement to receive the special pricing, Alabama employed workers attending must bring additional documentation to the training site. Required documentation list is provided during the on-line registration process – go to for details and registration.
Alabama Technology Network is offering the training series utilizing UAHuntsville –ATN staff and their on-campus training facility located in UAHuntsville’s Shelby Center for Technology. After completion of Level I and Level 2, Level 3 can be achieved by taking the accreditation exam for the SME Green Manufacturing Specialist Certificate. Check out for more courses & registration details, or call 256.824.LEAN (5326), or email Rana Clark.
Green Generalist [Level 1] – Friday, April 6
8 hour course on how to apply sustainable, environmentally friendly practices in the workplace. Focuses on education & awareness and includes interactive “live” simulations.
Green Specialist [Level 2] –various Fridays, beginning April 13 – May 18
8 hour courses covering Water Conservation; Pollution, Solid Waste Mgt, Energy Mgt, Environmental Waste Stream Mapping, Green Chemistry, and Sustainability in Practice.
Alabama E3 — Economy, Energy, and Environment Initiative is a coordinated federal & local technical assistance project that assists communities work with their manufacturing base to adapt and thrive in a new business era focused on energy sustainability – the first of its kind in Alabama. For more information about Alabama E3 and its federal, state, and local partners and the Alabama Technology Network:
Training funded by a U.S. Department of Labor State Energy Sector Partnership Grant through ADECA – Office of Workforce Development.
Register for April 6, 2012 Class Register for April 13 – May 18, 2012 Series
Manufacturing Innovation 2012
3 Things To Consider This Friday
Each week on Friday UAH CMER-ATN sends out an email with 3 stories from the week affecting the automotive and aerospace industries as well as economic development in Alabama. To receive these emails, please sign up by clicking the button below: