R&D Electronics | Brownsboro, Alabama

Company Information:
R&D Electronics is a proven supplier of complex electronic assemblies to the United States Government and their prime contractors. For over 30 years customers have relied on R&D Electronics to support their programs from Development through Production.

R&D Electronics has always been a company that looks forward into the future. Strategically, R&D Electronics recognized that in order to compete for contracts, it was becoming essential that it must have a formal quality system, namely AS-9100 registration. While some of its customers did not require AS-9100, R&D Electronics viewed AS-9100 registration as a competitive advantage that would distinguish them from their competition.

Center Assistance:
R&D Electronics initially contacted the UAH-ATN after management took a course on AS-9100 implementation. After an initial meeting, R&D Electronics decided that their implementation philosophy matched that of the personnel at UAH and decided to proceed. The ATN-UAH facilitated the process by assisting R&D Electronics in fine tuning its quality manual, decreasing the number of procedures, training their internal audits, and acting as lead auditor during their internal audit. ATN-UAH also conducted overview training for the Management and Production staff.

After five months of assistance from the ATN-UAH, R&D Electronics passed their AS-9100 Registration audit without a finding and scored 100%. Their registration auditing company was NSF. With the AS Registration a company has to score a certain percentage in order to be certified and this was the first time this registration auditor had given one of his clients a 100%.