by Karen | Jun 1, 2009 | Center & Office Research, Dr. Gregory A. Harris, P.E., Dr. Michael D. Anderson, P.E., Dr. Phillip A. Farrington, Freight, Logistics, & Transportation, Lauren Jennings Neppel, Michael Spayd, Report
The purpose the project Establishing Performance Measures For Alabama’s Transportation System was to research current transportation system metrics and develop a set a performance measures appropriate for establishing the level of performance for Alabama’s multimodal...
by Karen | Mar 10, 2009 | Anthony Holden, ATN Research, Freight, Logistics, & Transportation, Lauren Jennings Neppel, Michael Spayd, Nicholas Loyd, Presented, Publication, Report, Supply Chain Management, Transportation Research Board Annual Conference
This paper discusses the implementation of Lean Enterprise management, principles, and tools in seaport operations. The paper begins by providing an overview of the necessary management training, strategy, and structure necessary for a successful lean implementation.... by Karen | Dec 1, 2008 | Center & Office Research, Dr. Bernard Schroer, Dr. Gregory A. Harris, P.E., Dr. Michael D. Anderson, P.E., Dr. Niles Schoening, Dr. Phillip A. Farrington, Freight, Logistics, & Transportation, George Rittenhouse, Jeff Siniard, Jeff Thompson, Karen E. Yarbrough, Lauren Jennings Neppel, Michael Spayd, Nicholas Loyd, Report
The 2008 research into Transportation Infrastructure in Alabama had two main focal points; the creation of the Freight Planning Framework, with particular emphasis on the disaggregation and use of national level freight data at the state and local level, and the... by Karen | Oct 1, 2008 | Center & Office Research, Dr. Bernard Schroer, Dr. Gregory A. Harris, P.E., Dr. Michael D. Anderson, P.E., Freight, Logistics, & Transportation, Huntsville Simulation Conference (AL), Michael Spayd, Presentation, Presented, Prof Dietmar Moeller
This paper presents the development of a simulation model to evaluate the impact of increased 18-wheel truck traffic on the I-10 tunnel crossing the Mobile River in downtown Mobile, Alabama. The increased truck traffic is resulting from overall globalization of...