by Karen | Nov 23, 2010 | ATN Research, Nicholas Loyd, Publication
Lean Enterprise and Six Sigma are two of the most prominent improvement philosophies available to organizations today. This article investigated how these two philosophies can be used cohesively as an improvement strategy. A comparison was performed relative to the... by Emily Finney | Aug 27, 2010 | ATN Success Stories, Jeff Siniard, Nicholas Loyd
Timberline Steel | Pueblo, Colorado Company Information: Timberline Steel is a full line steel service center that was founded in 1958. Timberline has grown to expand its capabilities to include fabrication, in addition to distribution, and has four facilities: three... by Karen | Jan 1, 2010 | ATN Research, Dr. Gregory A. Harris, P.E., Lisa S. Blanchard, Nicholas Loyd, Publication
This paper discusses the integration of A3 Thinking as an innovative academic communication standard in industrial engineering. The paper begins by providing an overview comparison of A3 Thinking, a critical component in Toyota’s PDCA management system, and... by Karen | Dec 1, 2009 | Center & Office Research, Dr. Bernard Schroer, Dr. Gregory A. Harris, P.E., Dr. Michael D. Anderson, P.E., Dr. Niles Schoening, Dr. Phillip A. Farrington, Dr. Wesley N. Colley, Freight, Logistics, & Transportation, Jeff Siniard, Jeff Thompson, Karen E. Yarbrough, Lauren Jennings Neppel, Lisa S. Blanchard, Nicholas Loyd, Report
This research built upon previous work on the development of tools to bridge the gaps in the analysis and understanding of the relationships between economic growth and transportation infrastructure in Alabama. The tasks performed under this contract included:...
by Karen | Mar 10, 2009 | Anthony Holden, ATN Research, Freight, Logistics, & Transportation, Lauren Jennings Neppel, Michael Spayd, Nicholas Loyd, Presented, Publication, Report, Supply Chain Management, Transportation Research Board Annual Conference
This paper discusses the implementation of Lean Enterprise management, principles, and tools in seaport operations. The paper begins by providing an overview of the necessary management training, strategy, and structure necessary for a successful lean implementation.... by Karen | Dec 1, 2008 | Center & Office Research, Dr. Bernard Schroer, Dr. Gregory A. Harris, P.E., Dr. Michael D. Anderson, P.E., Dr. Niles Schoening, Dr. Phillip A. Farrington, Freight, Logistics, & Transportation, George Rittenhouse, Jeff Siniard, Jeff Thompson, Karen E. Yarbrough, Lauren Jennings Neppel, Michael Spayd, Nicholas Loyd, Report
The 2008 research into Transportation Infrastructure in Alabama had two main focal points; the creation of the Freight Planning Framework, with particular emphasis on the disaggregation and use of national level freight data at the state and local level, and the...