Gauging Interest for an AL Materials Waste Exchange

Gauging Interest for an AL Materials Waste Exchange

Industrial waste skips

Is Your Company Interested in an Alabama Materials Waste Exchange?

–Let Us Know 


Read below about the upcoming Alabama Materials Waste Exchange and then let us know if you are interested – email contacts at end of blog post.

Alabama Materials Waste Exchange

 Alabama E3 LogoAlabama E3 is a coordinated technical assistance program for Alabama’s manufacturers providing expert advice on reducing costs and increasing business through reduction of production, energy, and environmental wastes. As part of the E3 program, Alabama Technology Network, and the Alabama Productivity Center at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa are developing the Alabama Materials Waste Exchange.

The Alabama Materials Waste Exchange will be an online listing service for exchanging industrial surplus, waste, or other materials within Alabama and eventually within surrounding states. Materials may be bought, sold, traded, or given away. Working like the classified ad section of a newspaper or trade magazine, organizations will be allowed to create listings for waste or surplus materials they have available, and also post materials that they need. Companies will browse listings, contact the generator, and make arrangements to collect the waste.

Alabama Technology Network

The main goal of the Alabama Materials Waste Exchange would be to provide the following benefits:

  • Diversion of waste materials from landfills
  • Reduced costs for companies that can use waste materials as raw materials
  • Reduced disposal costs for companies listing materials
  • Education and Awareness by serving as a focal point for sustainability and waste reduction for the industrial community
The AlabaAL Productivity Center - logo 3 2013ma Productivity Center is in the process of gauging interest in this type of online materials waste exchange through the attached survey. Please respond to each question to the best of your knowledge. All information will be kept confidential and used solely for this endeavor.
Let Us Know That Your Company is Interested – Email Alabama Productivity Center staff – Tom Morgan or Gilles Gutnecht

OHSAS 18001:2007 – S&H Management

Lunch and Learn: March 21, 2013

AGENDA – (click)

11:30 am – 1:00 pm | NO COST for Informational Session
on campus of Trenholm State Community College (Patterson Campus)
3920 Troy Highway, Building Q, Montgomery, Alabama 35242
(located directly across from the street from AIDT)

For more information about the lunch & learn:
Joan Davis, ATN Center Director, Montgomery/Selma
Ph: 334.420.4394 or [email protected]



OHSAS 18001: S&H Management

The Occupational Health and Safety management system, otherwise known internationally as OHSAS 18001:2007 is quickly becoming the latest requirement among automotive suppliers. This informational session gives an overview of the standard and the process by which Alabama Technology Network (ATN) is assisting companies in implementation.

Topics addressed in the session include:

Standard Compatibility:

  • Similarities between OHSAS 18001 and other management systems such as TS-16949 and ISO 14001 EMS.
  • Integrating quality, environmental, and occupational health and safety management systems


  •  User Group Format
  •  Pricing
  • Time Frame
  • What is included

Safety and Health Management

  • Law and Legal Issues
  • Assessing Hazards
  • Determining Risk
  • Maintaining Controls
AL Aerospace Industry Association Updates 2013 Industry Directory

AL Aerospace Industry Association Updates 2013 Industry Directory

AAIA Master Logo (printer)06 09-2 [Converted]

A new release of the Alabama Aerospace Industry Association Directory has been published as of April 2013.

On an ongoing basis,  the AAIA directory will be updated at least annually or on as frequent a basis as possible. The  directory is available via the AAIA website as a pdf file download.

Companies that are current AAIA members will have an enhanced listing.   Non-members will be included with only basic information listed. Members are eligible to be included with the enhanced listing as a benefit of AAIA membership. Only companies active in the aerospace industry with a physical presence in Alabama qualify to be included.

Want to check and see if your company is an AAIA member? Click here to verify existing membership in AAIA

Want to submit your company information for the AAIA Directory? Click here to find the form to submit  to AAIA

Questions about AAIA or the AL Aerospace Directory? Email Jeff Thompson, AAIA Executive Director



3 Things To Consider This Friday


Each week on Friday UAH CMER-ATN sends out an email with 3 stories from the week affecting the automotive and aerospace industries as well as economic development in Alabama. To receive these emails, please sign up by clicking the button below:

3 Things To Consider

